Saturday, March 07, 2015

Into the Wilderness: Day 12

“Lord, if you are willing, let this cup pass from me, yet not what I will, but what you will.” Jesus 
One thing is for certain: No one In the wilderness says, “Aww, Lord, just a few more months. Just one more pass around the mountain. Fill up the wilderness cup one more time.” The wilderness is not a cup we drink all at once so it can quickly be filled again. No, we sip it in hopes that it will be taken away at some point. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. The pressing issue is not HOW to learn to drink the cup of wilderness, but whether I embrace the wilderness cup as God’s will. If I can’t embrace it, I will continue looking for shortcuts out, places along the way to pour out some of the cup, and miss the transforming power of drinking the whole journey cup.
God of the wilderness cup, may you renew my courage to drink the cup of bitterness, knowing that you will use the contents of that cup to transform me into your image bearer. In the name of Jesus, who drank the cup and turned it into glory. Amen!

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