Friday, November 03, 2006

Play Money is Priceless

Keith Van Horn, formally of the Dallas Mavericks, has decided to take a year off and spend time with his wife and kids. This would not be a news story if Van Horn were not at the prime of his career. As a mid-level player Van Horn could easily be raking in 5 mil a year. Not to mention his Nike endorsement deal.

From Van Horn is just barely 31 (his birthday was Oct. 23). He's a 6-10 forward who can shoot, run and pass. He can start or come off the bench and give you 20-30 minutes. He can help you win games. Yet he walked away from the game he loves -- and the millions it could have added to his bank account -- for the family he loves even more.

The way of the Gospel is the way of giving up privilege for the sake of others. In a culture where self is at the center of the universe, this is strange. We may rationalize Van Horn's decision by saying, "Well, he already has millions. It isn't that difficult of a decision." The fact is, the same could be said about many of us. How often do we sacrifice those people that are most valuable to us, because we want to have just a little bit more?

Regardless of the level, to give up power, privilege, influence, status, money and time for the sake of others is...Gospel.

1 comment:

Missional Jerry said...

Keith is someone we all can look up too