Thursday, March 05, 2015

Into the Wilderness: Day 10

The wilderness journey  isn't always covered  by a canopy of low hanging limbs casting ominous shadows on the path. On occasion we come to a clearing, and though we see the path quickly descends back into the shadows, it is these brief moments of clarity that remind us where we're going. In the clearing we see the summit and though we don't know how we'll get there, we know that the journey leads there. These spaces of clearing are God's gifts to us along the way. We don't know when they will come, and we wish there were more, but they are small sign posts along the way that we are on the right path. The challenge is whether I'll lift my head up during the clearing. Take advantage of the brief respite in the open field. Take a deep breath. Look up to the blue sky. Smile. Run my hands over the fragile flowers growing in the meadow. Or, will I keep my head down, cautiously walking with dragging feet knowing the narrow, shadowed path is just a few steps away? I don't want to miss the meadow because I'm dreading the upcoming path.

God who gives and takes away, may I lift my eyes to not miss your gifts because I dread the moment the gift is not there. May I learn to remain steadfast on the path so I may enjoy the meadow. Amen

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