Tonight our family watched a special on the universe on the History channel. It's hard to believe that if our sun was the dot on the letter i on a piece of paper, then our galaxy would be comparable to the size of North America. Moreover, that galaxy is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. Who can even fathom that? We are very small indeed. Yet, we act as though we are the center of the universe. We act as though our recognition and our affirmation are the prime concern of our lives. I can't help but contrast this to the position Jesus took as he came to us. "Though he was in his very essence, God, he did not consider equality with God as something to be held on to, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant he humbled himself." Why do I drive over the speed limit, and pull out in front of people, and get mad when people with 11 items enter the 10 items or less lane, and direct conversations toward what I have done, and down play the successes of others, and gossip? It's because I think that I am the center of the universe. Is life, not, trying to become less and less? As John says, "He must increase and I must decrease." It seems to me that growth in Christ finds a person, more and more, giving up privilege for the sake of others.
1 comment:
Excellent post.
I am always struggling with I must decrease, Christ must increase. I have come to the conclusion that Christianity is all about knowing Him. It is all about having that relationship with Him. He must be the center of all things in life. Again, excellent post brother. God bless.
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