Friday, June 29, 2007

Human Capacities...

Is this not how we approach human nature and aspirational church teaching? We constantly tell people how horrible, rotten, depraved, and venomous humanity is and then say, "But, get out there and serve God and do some good." One rule of theological anthropology is: If you have a low view of humanity, then don't get upset when it lets you down. It's only doing what its nature demands. I'm convinced, however, that cynics are merely ticked off optimists. They have this view of the world and reality keeps drawing it down. That’s why they’re mad.

I, for one, am still under the impression that good is possible. Peter says that through the promises of God we might "participate in the divine nature (II Peter 1:4)." Paul says that God's eternal plan and purpose is that we become "conformed to the likeness of his son (Romans 8:29)." To live out our true humanity is to be drawn into the life of God. Jesus is human. He showed us what it is to live as a human. We live below our humanity. Yet, even though we are old broken down clay pots, God may actually make something beautiful out of our lives after all.

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