Sunday, August 03, 2008

A New Gospel Sighting

I don't think this dad is sitting around waiting for God to make the world right. He's participating with God to make it right. I hope I can become half the dad he is.

We could wait. We could wait for that day when God makes all things right. We can sit around and complain that the world is messed up, that we are messed up, that the church is messed up. We can wait for God to make all things right, when there will be no more death or crying, where the lame will walk, no, where they will win. We could wait for the day the hungry will be fed, the marginal will be given a place at the head of the table, when those with no family will sit around the table of the Lord. We could wait for the world to be right. Or, we can join with God in his work to make all things right, right here right now.